We all need help sometimes. Often it can be as simple as a friend who understands or a sounding board to cultivate information to order our steps. Someone who offers no judgment, a partner to assist you in determining how to plot your course to manage and ensure your personal transition.
Most of us know what steps we must take for our growth but need insight and guidance on how to take those steps with freedom and joy. Heru Tchaas Amen is available for you no matter the circumstance. Learn to transcend your situation and find peace through proven, practical practice and begin to develop the habits to carry you to your goals

If we can begin to understand that our nature is peace and our natural response to any and every situation is peace, we can engage our imagination in supporting our the proper response to adversity successfully.
In an era when many are drawn to focus on their outer appearance, most tend to forget about maintaining their inner health.
Your mental health is extremely important. When we feel overwhelmed with balancing our life, dreams and ambitions, we are in a key phase when we should slow down and reconnect to our inner self, as well as review our personal plan of action.


Where am I located?
I proudly operate in the Central District's Blackdot Office, in Seattle, WA